Sundwiger Messingwerke prefers Schuh Anlagentechnik to redesign the oilmist seperator system for production
Sundwiger Messingwerke prefers Schuh Anlagentechnik to redesign the exhaust air systems for wire production
Hemer (NRW) – January 2022
As part of the modernization of the plant, extensive investigations were initially carried out to find the optimum exhaust air technology in the area of the shaving line and coiler with drawing die. In the end, the Sundwiger Messingwerke decided in favour of the REGKON process from Schuh Anlagentechnik.
With this investment, the electrostatic precipitators, which require a lot of maintenance, are replaced by the Schuh REGKON process with additional heat recovery. The coolant mist is collected close to the point of origin and regeneratively cooled after pre-filtering. The cooled exhaust air is fed into the Schuh vapor separator KT in a vertical flow direction. This vertical inflow enables ideal separation behaviour while at the same time requiring very little space.
The new REGKON process from Schuh Anlagentechnik ensures that the thermal energy in the exhaust air is extensively used to preheat the supply air. The condensation caused by the cooling of the exhaust air contributes significantly to the reduction of the proportion of the gas phase.
The new REGKON process significantly increases the overall separation performance of the exhaust air system. Energy costs are reduced and the indoor climate in the workshop is improved.
The scope includes the delivery of the mechanical components, the electrical engineering including control, as well as the assembly and commissioning. The systems will go into operation at the beginning of the 2nd quarter of 2022.